Year 12

Welcome to the Year 12 section of the Sixth Form Page

Here you will find everything you need to know about being a Year 12 Student at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School. Please use the drop down menu below to read more. We have general information, quotes from students, regular updates and links to events.

We also have a Parent Guide for starting Sixth Form. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see the guide, which can also be downloaded.


The curriculum on offer at Queen Elizabeth’s is based around a traditional, yet evolving, A Level programme. Students are taught in classes (average size 18) in well-resourced subject areas by specialist, experienced teachers.



"Achievement in the sixth form is outstanding. Inspired and well supported by knowledgeable and committed teachers, students make excellent progress and achieve high levels of attainment. As a result of teaching that encourages students to work independently and with each other, they are also exceptionally well prepared for the next stages of their education."



A particular area of focus has been developing aspiration, encouraging Queen Elizabeth’s students to apply for the most competitive courses in the country, whilst also offering support and guidance to those students who decide that university is not for them.



"About one fifth of students have joined the sixth form from other schools and they settle quickly. Over 90% of students stay for two years and complete their courses. Students receive very good impartial careers advice and all students progress on to university, employment or training. Most students proceed to university and the proportion gaining entry to a top performing university has risen to one third."



Sixth Form Support


Developing independence is a key feature of education at post-16 level, however students still need to feel supported and valued within a caring and encouraging environment to maximise learning and achievement and to reach their potential.

Sixth Form students have a form tutor that they meet on a daily basis. The role of the tutor is invaluable in guiding and supporting students as well as looking after their personal development during this important and demanding phase of their education. Students have informal access to the Sixth Form Team who are there to help and support. The team can give advice on non-university routes as well as help with university applications and general academic or personal issues.



"Progress in academic qualifications is significantly higher than national levels, leading to a 99% pass rate at A level and an increase in the percentage of A* and A grades to 33% in 2014. This is well above national levels."

Beyond the Classroom


Sixth Form students play a vital role in the daily life of our community and are encouraged and supported to seek out additional responsibilities within and beyond school.
All students have the opportunity to become involved with the wider school community as Form Reps throughout Year 12 and as Senior Students or as a member of the Student Board. These roles include Charity Prefects; Marketing and Events Prefects; Senior Subject Prefects; Heads of House and many more. Any student who has taken an active role in the school community is eligible to apply for the Head Boy and Girl team in February of Year 12, taking up their posts in Term 4. Through these additional opportunities we have seen many of our students develop outstanding leadership skills.



"The behaviour and safety of students are outstanding. Sixth form students make a significant contribution to school life by setting a very good example and acting as mentors to younger students."

Ofsted 2015



Students have a dedicated enrichment period each week and increasing numbers of students use this time to support others in a volunteering capacity. We also encourage students to undertake specific work experience placements, which has proved invaluable, particularly for students applying for vocational degree pathways such as medicine.

Clubs and societies range from all sorts of sports, though to debating, gardening, learning Japanese and many more. In 2016 and 2017 students from Queen Elizabeth’s reached the national ‘Debating Matters’ final in London.

In addition to regular visits to all corners of Europe, recent trips have seen Sixth Form students visit Cuba, India, Morocco and the USA.

“It’s not just about creating academics, it’s about creating people – equipping tomorrow’s generation to be the best they possibly can.” Sixth Form Leaver.

The Year 12 Work Shadowing Days in early February provide an opportunity to work alongside (and to gain experience of) the role of another individual and to acquire an insight into a particular work area. Students will be briefed about this in October.

"I was welcomed by all at Queen Elizabeth’s, both students and staff helped me to settle in comfortably. The Sixth Form at Queen Elizabeth's is a true asset to the school, it’s such an open, accepting and friendly community. I was speaking to Year 13s when I first joined without knowing they were in the year above; there is no separation between the two years and that made me feel even more confident when joining."


"Friendly and welcoming, Queen Elizabeth's made the transition very easy."


“Moving to Queen Elizabeth’s, fitting in and making new friends was a quick and easy process to go through because of the happy and friendly nature of the place."


"I have found it extremely easy to move schools, and the transition was really smooth, everyone was really friendly and this helped a lot. Moving schools has definitely been the best decision for me."


"It is really helpful how students get emailed relevant information about open days and part time courses. I have had so much help from the teachers especially in maths which has helped a lot."


"Moving to Queen Elizabeth's has been the best move of the educational decisions I have made. The school is extremely welcoming and friendly, the work is hard however the teachers are always willing to help. With such a focused environment, it's a wonderful way of progressing in all respects, not only have I developed my education, but also myself as a person."  


"The move to Queen Elizabeth's was surprisingly easy as everyone is so welcoming. The work is harder but everyone especially teachers make it easier and give support. Everybody works hard and the facilities are exceptional." 


"Queen Elizabeth's made me realise how much you can benefit from moving to a new school. The accelerated pace of learning is actually manageable because when everyone works hard together you can achieve your maximum potential."


"I'm really pleased I decided to move to Queen Elizabeth's, it might seem overwhelming at first to move to a new school but I think it is definitely worth it because everyone is very friendly and the school has a welcoming atmosphere. The work is challenging but if you are organised then I think anybody can do well, I would definitely recommend the school to anybody who is determined to achieve their potential."


"Queen Elizabeth's has given me the motivation to do well in everything I do and now I have a real passion to do work and achieve as much as I can."


"I'm really glad I moved to Queen Elizabeth's, the move has encouraged me because everyone around me is extremely hard working. There are lots of opportunities outside of class which I would not have had. I was also surprised by how welcoming everyone is and how I've fitted in so well."


"Queen Elizabeth's stood out to me, not only because it is a grammar school but the pupils really confirmed my decision to come here because they were all really enthusiastic about the school and the extra-curricular activities that are available to everyone. The school has a good balance of academic achievement and non-academic activities which take the strain away from the difficulty of A Levels."


"One of the things I’ve found is that this environment is so nice in comparison to my old school. There is not a single person I don’t like. It’s just a really lovely school."


"After a couple of weeks of getting used to it it’s just as if you’ve been here all along. It’s inclusive."


"Very friendly. Definitely like my subjects and teachers. I’m just happy."


"The independent learning style teaches you how to prepare for university. I have gained confidence. Everyone is welcoming! The dynamics of the school are different to a comprehensive – in classes everyone just wants to work, whereas at my old school nobody did. It’s very different."

Year 12 parents and students were invited to an induction evening in September 2023.

The presentation can be found below as a PDF.


Sixth Form Induction Meeting September 2023

Year 12 UCAS Information Evening

Mr Finn-Kelcey and Mr Larter hosted the Year 12 UCAS Information Evening on Tuesday 21st May 2024. They outlined everything that students need to know about the process of University application.

The slides are available to download below.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
