Key Stage 3 Information


Welcome to Key Stage 3! 

Key Stage 3 at Queen Elizabeth’s consists of Years 7 and Year 8. The curriculum we offer is compressed, which enables Year 8 students to choose their GCSE Options subjects a year early. 

The Key Stage 3 Curriculum covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. We teach the full complement of subjects including the core subjects, Design & Technology, The Arts, Humanities, Digital Life Skills and Physical Education.

Year 7 & 8 students study two languages from a combination of French, German & Spanish. Lessons in Personal, Social, Health, Education (PSHE) for all students enables them to expand life skills as well as their knowledge of a wide range of topics to develop their character and awareness of crucial information on relevant topics. This includes healthy relationships, health and wellbeing, global issues and careers

The pastoral structure in Key Stage 3 consists of a Head of Key Stage and two Learning Managers. The Key Stage also has an Administration and Wellbeing Support.

The Key Stage 3 team takes enormous pride in providing a high standard of pastoral care, support and guidance, so that students develop a secure and solid base with which to build their future.

The focus in Key Stage 3 is to ensure a nurturing learning environment with a specific focus on developing strong basic skills alongside a broad and balanced curriculum. We believe this provides a firm foundation for good progress; emotionally as well as academically in the future years.

The Key Stage 3 Pastoral Team is:

Mrs Percy - Head of Key Stage 3



Miss Davidson (Year 7 Learning Manager):


Ms Waldron (Year 8 Learning Manager)



Ms Newing (Key Stage Administration and Wellbeing Support):